Adding your team members



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Your company's directors, sales, marketing, support, HR and other members of your team who are in touch with external contacts - whether its with potential customers, job candidates, partners, press, clients or suppliers - should actively help tracking contacts.

(You can invite your team members from your Settings window.)


SalesWings will intelligently distribute your Notifications to the relevant person inside your company!


Our multi-user feature has been designed with full automation in mind, ensuring a highly efficient work flow for your team.



Here's how it works:


(1) The assigned team member of a lead, is the one who will receive notifications about the leads activity and interest.


(2) This means: If for example your marketing person meets a lead at an event, and then hands him over to the sales person, SalesWings will automatically reassign the lead as soon as the sales person sends him an email.


(3) SalesWings automatically assigns the team member to a lead, who sent the last email to this lead


(4) Notifications for unassigned leads go to the accounts administrator


>> Start now by inviting your team members from your Settings window


Watch this brief video to get the full overview!



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